Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March in the San Blas Territory, aka Guna Yala, Panama, is always a nice thought on a wintry day here in the states!

Kuna/Guna artisans live in simple huts, on their beautiful, remote Caribbean ‘tupus’ (islands) as you can see in these photos that I took on the island of Aritupu. 

The sun is strong, temps are warm and island life is busy. And still, our artisan friends find time to create amazing, hand stitched mola art!

Our original design, hand stitched Herbal Kuna Mola Cat "Dream Spirit" is a fun one. Call it it old-school mola making at its most charming and with no shortage of whimsy, all of which Kuna artisans are so famous for.

Colors are rich and vibrant.. the hand stitched mola applique truly is awesome!

Jet black with a burst of brilliant colors. So nicely done, using time honored mola-making techniques handed down from Kuna mother to daughter for generations.

The hand stitched embroidery is excellent, too.. in many different colors and stitches.. adding even more color and texture.

See more of this sweet and colorful character in our fabulous Molamama shop on Etsy!