Thursday, September 11, 2014

¡MIRA! Take a look at this gorgeous example of traditional, old school, "sergan" ancestral mola making! Called an "Ake Bandup" or "Hook" mola, named for a specific vine that grows in Kuna/Guna Indian territory.

Bold colors make it even more striking and truly make the traditional design elements stand out!  

Simple, hand sewn chain-stitched embroidery adds color and texture to this gem of a hand-appliqued mola  --

In the Dulegaya dialect, the word "sergan" refers to the ancestors. Michael Perrin speaks to that in his excellent book, "Magnificient Molas" on pg 97 and adds.. "Sergan molas indicate a respect for tradition". How true, how true!

These traditional molas are prized and becoming quite rare! Always a treat to find one.

Our "hook" mola above is particularly beautiful. Once worn by a Kuna Indian artist.. the gifted woman who made it.. in Guna Yala, San Blas Islands, Panama.

A treasure!

Happy to offer it to you here --

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Did someone say MOLA CATS? !

There is never a shortage of inspiration of the feline variety for hand-appliqued mola art in Kuna Indian territory -- now called “Guna Yala” --  aka the San Blas Archipelago, where our cat friends are loved and celebrated on a daily basis!

In “Dulegaya”.. the Kuna/Guna dialect, cat = “misi”.

Here’s a sweet example of a hand-stitched “misi morbipi”.. a small cat mola.. or in Spanish, a “molita gato”. However it is pronounced and in whatever language you may prefer.. this incredible textile art of the Guna is filled with heart and executed with great skill! Cats, turtles, frogs, fish..  a variety of island life is brought to life in multi-colored cotton poplin and other fabrics using mola-making applique methods passed down from mother to daughter, generation after generation. Cheers and a large thanks to all of the amazing artists! "Nuedi anai"!

A few pix of their beautiful children on the island of Aritupu.. and a little golden cat who has been forever immortalized in the art of mola!

Then there's this sweet, hand sewn Happy Heart's "misi." A Molamama original.. in rich, bold red! Check out our Etsy shop for more stuffed mola animals in a rainbow of colors and don't miss our lavender-filled "Dream Spirit" Herbal Animals at